Customized Multifocal Lenses

Progressive Multifocal Lenses

Progressive Multifocal Lenses


Multifocal eyeglasses have long since become a basic requirement in optometry, in light of the distinct advantages, headed by the elimination of the need to switch eyeglasses to reading glasses.

Unlike the past, a non-professional cannot determine whether the eyeglass lens are regular or multifocal since there is no line across the lens as had been the case in the past (bifocal lens)

Customization of multifocal lenses is critical: the more accurate the customization is based on the specific individual’s requirements, the faster and smoother their adjustment.

Customization of multifocal lenses is complex, requiring tremendous expertise and patience, since among the considerations that need to be taken into account when customizing multifocal lenses are:

  • The selected frame and its specifications
  • Pantoscopic tilt (frame curves)
  • Exact pupil distance – Pd
  • Pupil height
  • Correct selection of lens type, taking into account the production technologies that allow, inter alia, an expanded field of vision, soft transitions between distance and proximity, lens design based on luminance, individual fit as dynamic visual ranges – etc.
Arza Fruchter examining the eyes of a customer

About Arza Fruchter

Arza Fruchter has extensive experience in customizing multifocal lenses.  In her 30 years of work in the field and thousands of customized lenses, Arza developed a methodology for optimal customization of eyeglasses to the patient, taking into account their habits, exact requirements, area of occupation and physiological data.

Arza spends a great deal of time with every customer to select the exact markers of the center of the pupil, in a two-step process of imaging using digital technology and manual verification.

Arza has extensive experience in producing lenses, and every multifocal lens is tested by her in terms of performance, with the final incision being performed in laboratories overseas. Every lens benefits from the latest technology in the field.

All of this helps Arza issue a warranty for adjustment of multifocal glasses for up to three months and provide alternate solutions if necessary.

Interested in customized multifocal lenses? Call below.

ארזה פרוכטר

Arza Fruchter, Clinical Optometrist B.Sc.
Mobile Phone  052-2512312

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