About Arza Fruchter

Arza Fruchter | Clinical Optometrist B.Sc.

Looking for an optometrist in Tel-Aviv? Arza Fruchter – Graduate of the Pennsylvania College of Optometry in the United States would be pleased to be of service.

אופטומטריסט בתל אביב - ארזה פרוכטר

Looking for an optometrist in Tel-Aviv? Arza is a clinical optometrist with over 25 years of experience in optometry.

In addition to her work as a clinical optometrist, Arza serves as a professional consultant and member of the National Committee of the Council of Optometrists.

Arza handles public complaints for the Council of Optometrists, and serves as a reviewer for the Ministry of Health.

Optometrist Ramat Aviv

Arza’s exceptional diagnostic abilities and extensive experience allows her to provide precision and accurate solutions to any ophthalmological issue.

The combination of a clinic equipped with the newest cutting-edge eye examination devices and Arza’s abilities and experience ensures that patients are accurately diagnosed and receive personalized treatment.

Arza Fruchter specializes in modifying multifocal eyeglasses and contact lenses for adults and children, as well as eyeglasses, contact lenses, multifocal contact lenses, etc. For people suffering from special vision impairments and diseases such as keratoconus, high cylinder, cataract, strabismus, etc.

Manager of the Tapuz Forum: Contact Lenses and Eyeglasses. To visit the forum, click here

In her clinic practice, Arza emphasizes professionalism, quality and personal care for every patient.

Arza’s creed is to provide the patient with harmonious and relaxed vision.

Anyone looking for an optometrist in Tel-Aviv, and particularly in Ramat Aviv, is invited toArza Fruchter’s clinic.